The Blog

You Have Wisdom Worth Sharing

Hey there! How was your weekend? We're coming back around for another blog post before the holidays really kick in! In the United States, many of us are starting to plan the rest of our year around holidays, gatherings, and how we want the year to end. It can feel...

Rest is Resilience: Sharing the Wisdom

We’re back with another week, y’all! And I wanted to share wisdom with you that’s not my own, and amplify others’ perspectives. When we think about rest being resilience, I don’t know about you, but it would’ve been unknown to Former Virginia. Honestly, when I see...

How Would You Define Wealth for Yourself?

Hello, and we’re back with another blog post from FSW! Two Mondays ago, it was Indigenous Peoples Day here in the U.S. and we took the time to continue to decolonize our hearts, minds, and spirits, and hold space for being not only an ally but remembering how we want...

What’s Your Cure for an “Emotional Hangover?”

It’s a new week and I’m looking forward to chatting about today’s topic! Lately, life has been happening to quite a few people in my inner circle, and it’s been a roller coaster ride for them. And because of this, the last couple of weeks had me thinking about...

The Balance Between Waiting and Doing

We’re back with another post at FSW and it’s been a while! As you may or may not know, I shifted from weekly to bi-weekly blogs a couple of months ago so I could balance the growing needs of a new membership launch! And bonus: if you identify as an LGBTQ+ woman or...