The Blog

Using Creativity to Boost Your Mood

I want to talk about creativity today. Yes, in this hectic world, we can find time to be creative... I'd even say we have to try! I have found that when I am stressed out, or ready to throw in the towel with this hectic world, one choice helps: being creative. There...

Will We Ever Really Be Good Enough for “Them?”

I’ve been building up a new project here at FSW: a membership community. It’ll be ready to launch soon! And while I’m not sharing all the details at this moment, suffice it to say: this is going to be a space for some of my fellow rainbow rebels. And as I was thinking...

Practice Choosing You

It’s officially May -- Beltane, to be precise! I’m glad to be home after traveling and am getting back into my routines here in the PNW. To be honest, today’s post will be short because I need to take care of my body friend a little longer and am not feeling 110%...

Pleasing Yourself vs People-Pleasing Out of Habit

We’re back and thank you for being patient when I took last week off of in-depth writing. In the latest losses and transitions, I didn’t have the spoons or the bandwidth to write more extensively, to be honest. But things are starting to even out for the time being...

Don’t Fail Yourself When Others Fail You

We’re wrapping up March people and as we move into Quarter Two, I think many of us can say that Q1 had its twists and turns! In the last two weeks or so, I’ve witnessed the most beautiful aspects of humans and some of the ugliest. And it made me think about when...