by Feminine Sage Wisdom | Feb 14, 2022 | Soul-Full Purpose and Business
Hey, professional women and womxn! We’re jumping into this week’s post with some truth-telling here! In the last month or so there have been unexpected things piling up. I know, we can all “take a number” on that one, the unforeseen Plot Twists and trying to balance...
by Feminine Sage Wisdom | Jan 24, 2022 | Soul-Full Purpose and Business
Hey, all women and womxn! I hope your day has started off well and if it’s been bumpy, I hope that it’ll smooth itself out as time goes on. Today’s post started with a topic in mind, which we’ll get to in a second, but it morphed in a direction I didn’t expect, which...
by Feminine Sage Wisdom | Nov 22, 2021 | Soul-Full Purpose and Business
Happy holidays, fellow women and womxn! We’re finally greeting Thanksgiving, for those who celebrate it; and for many, this is a time for reflection, gratitude, and acknowledgment. While acknowledgment may not feel always easy, it can be a powerful exercise of...
by Feminine Sage Wisdom | Nov 8, 2021 | Soul-Full Purpose and Business
Hello and Happy Monday to you! This is the last memo as part of our series that started a couple of weeks ago, Friends. The first post was about creating boundaries and the second was about developing balance. I just read an opinion piece this morning about how...
by Feminine Sage Wisdom | Nov 1, 2021 | Soul-Full Purpose and Business
Hey, Fellow Women and Womxn! We chatted about two B’s last week that folks have been craving more of lately, as the pandemic’s gone on: Boundaries and Balance. Boundaries started off our series that’s going further into November and if you’d like to read...
by Feminine Sage Wisdom | Oct 25, 2021 | Soul-Full Purpose and Business
Happy last week of October! We’re shifting into the season of slowing down, reflecting, and prepping for plans in 2022. It is so weird to type that out, but if we know what’s coming it’s easier to get ready for it. Also, this week’s post is the first for a series...