Emotional Hangovers: Lessons vs. Regrets

by | Aug 14, 2024 | Holistic Living and Sovereignty

Dear Wise Woman:

Welcome to FSW, my friend, where hustling takes a seat and your soul’s magic rises!

Emotional hangovers are real.

Have you had the moments where you’re so spent, overwhelmed, or just done AF?

This happens in life, business, our work, and in many spaces or projects.

Now, I know what you might be wondering: how much did she have at Pride festivities to be hungover? It’s not like that…

I did get overstimulated by all the shenanigans with the Summer vibes, and FSW and life busyness. And it’s brought up an important topic.

What’s the “I’m done” level for you In life and work?

It’s not to shame, but to talk about and honor. ⤵️

Here are the thoughts that I’ve got for you in this post:

  • How you can fry yourself with not only the “bad stress” but even “good stress”
  • Recognizing all of our emotional hangover levels are different
  • And when you’re a business owner (or in that job-to-business transition) remember you need to schedule time for dealing with one

Let’s Reflect and Wrap This Up:

Even though I do my business and life with soul, the occasional emotional hangover still happens.

I’ll be traveling starting tomorrow (hence, a delayed next post!) and there’ll be a lot of road time and social check-ins!

I already know it: your wise woman is going to need some quiet, grounding space for a bit once I get home.

What grounding or rooting activities help you recover from an emotional hangover?

What soothes you while you’re in it? That’s a good data point, too!

For me, I’ve already packed whole foods, tea, and chocolate (because it’s medicinal for yours truly).

You are a soul-full being and that means your triggers, soothing moments, and how you recover, is unique to you.

So, take that time, when you can–whether you’re in the chaos or afterward–for you. And your coping. Or for your ancestors to hold you in love.

You’re not alone on the journey and we’ll both continue to de-hustle, moment by moment, so the magic can rise, fellow unicorn.🦄

Chat with you in a couple of weeks!

If you’re ready to bring your purpose to life, get started with the (free) Cosmos Guide and you can always go up from there.

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