You Have Wisdom Worth Sharing

by | Nov 20, 2023 | Wisdom Over Toxicity

Hey there! How was your weekend? We’re coming back around for another blog post before the holidays really kick in!

In the United States, many of us are starting to plan the rest of our year around holidays, gatherings, and how we want the year to end. It can feel both daunting and exciting, and I’ve been trying to plan ahead to keep a balance myself, particularly with the business and life. And I don’t mind sharing with you a recent boundary that I just put up: blocking out my schedule for the rest of the year.

Prepping For the Work to Come

While that’s not the point of today’s blog post, think about how you can block time out for yourself for some deep-dive work to come. Whether you do that in the upcoming weeks or when we move into 2024, I encourage you to create this in your schedule now so your next steps can take root.

I’ll admit, it’s been really hard to hold to this boundary because I love serving and I enjoy creating conversation and relationships for both my learning and for others to learn, whether from me or the different experiences I’ve had. One such conversation I had last week was really enlightening and that is why I wanted to bring it to the blog today.

Last week, I had the pleasure and honor of doing an interview and survey with an entity that I get their newsletter in my Inbox. I’m going to keep their name to myself, but the conversation showed me a couple of things: holding space for creation is a gift, and sharing our truths and experiences can light the path for others.

Creating, Sharing, and Lighting the Way for Others

Honestly, I had no idea they’d want to survey me, and it was a simple choice to make: helping and serving others is one of my tenets in this lifetime.

But want to know something I was struggling with, even after years of professional experiences? Believing I have wisdom worth sharing.

Still. To this day. Even though I help women do this very thing!

I still scoffed at some of my accomplishments. I still downplayed certain approaches I take in this life. And that is problematic… Let’s repeat that: this pattern is problematic.

Why? Because when we do that, we are consciously dimming our gifts and our strengths.

Remember These Steps to Share Your Wisdom

Let’s end today’s post with a wrap-up:

  • First, take time in the upcoming weeks to set aside deep-dive minutes. It might be hours or days but do that so you can start to re-settle (and stay settled) into yourself.
  • Second, in all the journeys you’ve been on, you’ve built a vast number of skills and strengths. Remember them and allow space for them to flourish and be known.
  • Finally, when you feel yourself cutting off an accomplishment vocally, or maybe waving a hand at it to downplay it, stop. I mean it. You don’t have to be arrogant or full of yourself; just speak your truth and strength and let it hang out there in the conversation.

Now, because we’re shifting into the end of the year, let me know if there are specific topics you’d like me to cover and share my perspective on! Let’s end 2023 not with a bang per se, but with rooting into who we are and remembering our wisdom within. I’ll chat with you in a couple of weeks! Blessings!


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